Saturday, June 26, 2010

Look What's Missing & an Update

(Other than his pants)....He doesn't have a feeding tube anymore! (Notice the little brown looking hole on the right side) Since he is eating so well now and we don't use it for formula and he doesn't have to take the one yucky medicine we were giving him by tube the docs said we could take it out. Yeah a new milestone for Riley (and Mommy).

Now the update...

Riley had surgery this past Tuesday to enlarge his bladder and build a mitrofanoff (tube from his bladder to abdominal wall) that we will use to cath his bladder. It was quite an extensive surgery - lasted more than 7 hours. He also had his central line catheter (the blue and red catheter in the above picture) removed and an under the skin port put in it's place, so now he can go swimming at the beach or a pool, take showers, and his most exciting realization the night before surgery..."Mama I'll be able to lay down and blow bubbles in the tub like Regan!" The surgery went well-they were able to do everything they had planned. Riley was really sore and in a lot of pain. We've had a few bumps in the road and up and down days, but all and all he's OK (Mama, not so much). My original plan was to stay up there at the Ronald McDonald house until discharge, but doing that with Regan and Tate was just impossible, even with my niece there to help. So, we came home on Wednesday. I've been loosing my mind ever since. I don't like this role. When he had his transplant I was there in the beginning, but then I had Tate and well obviously couldn't be with Riley. Now I want to be there! I'm supposed to be there! Please just pray for my sanity and peace. I'm really struggling lately - even before Riley's surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, (((hugs))) I'm glad he's doing well, and will be able to blow bubbles in the tub (cause that's HUGE, Mama!). But I did not know he was having surgery, and that just makes me a bum, for not checking in more often.

    Prayers and love!
