Thursday, June 3, 2010

He's Eating...ALOT!

I know it's weird that this is my first "real" post, but it's just what's on my mind tonight. We went to a local Mexican Restaurant tonight for supper and we just could not fill Riley up! I know some of you may be thinking "big deal", but it really is a big deal. You see for the first 4 years of his life Riley has received his main nutrition from formula through his feeding tube. It has only been since his kidney transplsnt that he has actually started eating anything much to speak of. He started first with pizza and BBQ chips (mind you the boy still loves him some of both), but now he will try just about anything. He still has a few things he just doesn't like (mashed potatoes and gravy and mac n cheese -pretty much anything mushy and cheesy). I've been taking pictures of his meals:

Valentine's Day cupcakes

Favorite lunch - rotisserie chicken & ketchup (that's a food group ya know!)

Good ol' Hamburger Helper Lasagna!

His favorite breakfast - bacon and eggs!

I've been taking these pictures partly because I was amazed and also b/c the ladies at dialysis in Jacksonville couldn't believe he was eating! (Hey ya'll!) I've got alot more i haven't downloaded from my camera, but I wish I had had my camera with me tonight. He ate 2 plates of chicken, beef, rice, french fries (ketchup), and corn. He wanted a third, but we felt we better not push it. Then later he asked for a salad like Regan. Thank you Lord for this boy's appetite. He has lost a good bit of weight in the last 3 months and we were a little worried we might need formula again, but I think Riley is just coming into his own at the dinner table. Way to go Big Boy!


  1. Yay! I can leave the first comment and be your first follower....hehehe.

    Praying for Chester today.

    Love ya' my dear friend!

  2. Glad to see he's making up for lost time. So excited you have started blogging- you'll be happy that you did.

  3. Hey, friend!! I am so glad to be a follower so that I can keep up with ya'll.

    So excited for Riley. People at church ask about him from time to time. I'll have to share the wonderful news.

    Also praying for Big Daddy....maybe he won't be a big baby. ;)

    I love ya! hey, we NEED to get together to play. Can ya'll break away sometime next week?

  4. Here is the URL to my new blog. I have had a lot of computer problems and recently lost everything. I am starting over. Keep up your blogging, I enjoy reading about your family!
