Monday, January 31, 2011

Surgery & Lookin' Back

Just wanted to let everyone know we are having surgery on February 15. Riley will be converting from the very aggravating mitrofanoff (used for cathing) to a urostomy (bag). I'm thankful to report that I have peace about the decision and am now just ready to move on with it and see what God has in store for him.

Riley has always amazed me how he never allows any of his "attachments" to slow him down. From the time he was born he has always had a lot of spirit and zeal for life. I feel we should all strive to be this way. Oh now sometimes he gets a little too lively, but he's a great little man that's come a very long way. I thought I'd take ya on a stroll down memory lane with Riley's "attachments".

From the beginning we all got used to a lot of wires. This was a light day in the NICU - he only had an IV and his feeding tube hooked up - still he was happy!

Another day in the NICU - we've got an IV, heart monitor leads, and the edge of his colostomy.
"If I could just get this piece of tape right here..."

A feeding tube dragging behind him wouldn't keep him from exploring the laundry basket with Regan!

"Can a boy have some alone time with his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?"

Ahh dialysis...he was always the sweetheart of the place - as long as he was asleep!

When he was awake he kept his women hoppin'!

We figured out ways to get in the bathtub for a little swim. Press 'n Seal wrap and bandage netting worked quite well!

Again Press 'n Seal wrap allowed for a very shallow dip in the pool!

We often had a love/hate relationship with the catheter. (That's what required the Press 'n Seal wrap.) However, it was our lifeline for 3 long years!

And how could we forget our last bladder surgery last summer which required 2 aggravating catheters - you can see them running down each leg. Didn't keep him from cuttin' a rug!

Well that's our boy! Looking through old pictures to do this post has made me think I need to do some more posts with trips down memory lane - stay tuned!


  1. The first pictures of Riley as a baby brought tears to my eyes. It almost seems as if that was "forever ago." He is one strong little boy! May God continue to bless him and your family. Love ya'll!

  2. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, Teresa! Thank you for this trip down memory lane - I didn't know y'all back then! YES, please...more trips down memory lane!

  3. We'll be praying on the 15th. Riley is such a strong boy! We love you guys!
