Friday, August 6, 2010

Tate's 1st Big Boy Bath

My baby boy finely got to have a regular bath. Mind you he's been bathed these last 8 months, but just not like a big boy in the tub by himself. He came here so big (1olbs 2 oz - thank you very much) that he has always been too big for the infant tub (read- feet hanging over and head going above the cushion) but I still just couldn't bring myself to put him in the big tub. So, I tried a little bit of everything else - infant tub in the big tub, baby sling tub in the big tub, in the big tub with Regan, etc. Nothing seemed to really work for me, so I just gave him sponge baths like we have to do with Riley since he can't be submerged right now. Well once he was sitting up good on his own I decided it was time. I let the boy have a bath alone.....

and he L O V E D it!! What was I thinking? I should've done this a long time ago. Doesn't he look soooo happy? Oh well live and learn.

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